I recently shared with you the three steps to my brand strategy and step number one is Vision. But why? Why can’t you just dive right into the color palette and logo …
The Six Things You Need To Start Your Personal Brand
One of the things that I learned along my personal brand journey was that the people who dare to dream and work towards those dreams with daily action, eventually create …
Make People Fall In Love With Your Brand
Isn’t it time your brand grows up and gets serious about its relationships? By building on mutual understanding, a brand and its customers can move into more serious, long-term relationships—even …
The Truth About Brand Strategy Part: II
ARE YOU YOUR BRAND’S CEO? To understand what it means to be the CEO of your own brand, you must first understand what a CEO does and I got the …
The Personal Brand Strategy Process Part: I
Whether you already have a business or are flirting with the idea of building a personal brand for the first time, developing a successful strategy is crucial. When I set …
What You Probably Don’t Know About Branding
I’ll go out on a limb here and assume 2020 has been a crazy year for you, as well. In the midst of shutdowns, job losses, the new normal, distance …
Why Find Your People First And Then Your Brand
Maybe you don’t want to be an Internet celebrity. Or one of those “influencers” that fake it online buying followers and renting cars and clothes to look successful. You’re working …