Hello, I’m Maegan
Brand Strategist. Business Leader. Author. On a mission to help executives and professionals create powerful personal brands.

Why Find Your People First And Then Your Brand

Maybe you don’t want to be an Internet celebrity. 

Or one of those “influencers” that fake it online buying followers and renting cars and clothes to look successful. 

You’re working hard and you want people to take you seriously and to know that you are a force to be reckoned with. You want to know that all your hard work is making a difference. 

I get it because I’ve been there. 

It just so happens that a lot of the principles of bringing products and solutions to the market that I’ve learned in my corporate career can also be applied to personal branding in an authentic way, not by being fake but through connection and problem-solving. 

We live in a day and age where technology has handed us a plethora of brand creation and management platforms. We get to tell our story, live our lives, and encourage others on their paths for free, with these social tools.

But that’s not all. You’ve never had a more exceptional ability to grow your network or build your resume than you do in today’s digital world. This is why it is important to be intentional about how you craft your brand and showcase your expertise. Is your personal brand properly positioned for success? Are you telling your story in a way that engages your target audience and draws them in?

One of the best ways to position yourself and your brand for success is by knowing who you are really speaking to online. Your target audience, your ideal audience, your people. 

Typically, when it comes to determining your audience, you have two different categories:

  •  Internal: Employees and internal stakeholders such as your friends’ close mentors and people in your personal life
  •  External: The audience you’re trying to connect with including, suppliers, partners, network colleagues, investors, agencies, and beyond

Why is this important?

Knowing your target audience has several benefits:

  •  You’ll know where to market your product or service
  •  You’ll know who is interested in your product or service
  •  You’ll know how to appeal to your consumers

I go into this in much more detail in my new book A Million Little Clicks but it is important because it brings you better results. 

Results like:

  •  You’ll raise brand awareness
  •  You’ll increase your brand’s earnings
  •  You’ll eventually enjoy brand loyalty from your audience

You want to focus on sharing your story but in a way that helps solve problems and inspires your target audience. Encourage your audience to look within themselves for the tools to overcome their challenges. Help them shift their perspectives and look at their problems in a new way. Offer your personal experiences and provide a safe environment to share their problems/fears/etc.

Hello, I’m Maegan
Brand Strategist. Business Leader. Author. On a mission to help executives and professionals create powerful personal brands.
