
Hello, I’m Maegan
Brand Strategist. Business Leader. Author. On a mission to help executives and professionals create powerful personal brands.

What You Probably Don’t Know About Branding

I’ll go out on a limb here and assume 2020 has been a crazy year for you, as well.

In the midst of shutdowns, job losses, the new normal, distance from family and friends, political commercials everywhere you look, and civil unrest, this year has caused a lot of uncertainty for people. More specifically, I’ve observed rising levels of insecurity as it pertains to careers and overall self-confidence.

Why then, amid such a crazy year, would I release a book series on personal branding?

To solve a problem so many people are currently experiencing.

As you’ll read in my upcoming book A Million Little Clicks, I was facing some of the same insecurities.

They really took a toll on me. But, I’m here to tell you, there is hope!

As we navigate building your personal brand, you will undergo a lot of self-discovery and begin focusing on the strengths that make you so awesomely unique.

“Your brand is one of your most powerful assets.”

– Maegan Lujan


It’s very common for a persons’ self-worth and overall personal security to be tied to their career and professional image.

Let’s face it, our careers are a big part of our life. It’s only natural to seek that dream job, income growth, recognition, and positions or titles.

After all, those are components that inspire a lot of self-confidence as you achieve them and also define success among the masses.

Now, more than ever, your resume and/or track record aren’t enough.

There are several touch points to take into consideration, such as digital footprint and overall digital perception.

Once you throw your personal brand into the mix, after all, there is only one you.

This is the secret weapon that will help you achieve those milestones and start boosting your self-confidence.

You may be thinking, “I don’t have a marketing background” or “I’m a shy person, talking about myself isn’t a strength or something I’m comfortable with.”

These are common insecurities and ones we will overcome together on this journey.

The takeaway here is understanding and believing that your brand is one of your most powerful assets. In times of uncertainty, being deeply rooted in your identity will avoid insecurity and feeling lost.

Your brand is the single most important investment that you can make in your business.”

– Steve Forbes


When I set out on my personal branding journey, I had no clue where to begin. So, I did what most people would do and turned to Google.

A million clicks later, I had thousands of relevant data points. Some of them I pulled from my professional tenure.

A lot of them I had to learn. Then, there was the test phase to see what worked, and what did not.

A failure in one attempt will yield success in the next if you’re persistent.

It’s this concept that is the purpose behind my book–to tie all of these learned lessons and fragments together for you and teach you.

Most importantly, I want to empower you to accomplish your goals and turn your dreams into reality.

A personal brand is organic and continuously evolving. On our journey, we will create, launch, and manage your personal brand to ensure long-term success.


You’re probably wondering when I’m going to live up to the title of this blog and actually give you a concise definition of branding. Well, I’m not.

That part you’ll have to read for yourself in my book which will launch soon.

Within its pages, there’s an entire chapter dedicated to defining branding: what is a brand, what is a personal brand, and the case for personal branding.

As much as I’d love to share all I know about branding right here, this blog would easily turn into 20 pages if I tried to summarize that chapter for you.

Let me instead leave you with this: a personal brand is what people think of when they think of you.

Read that again and ask yourself, “What do people think about when they see or hear my name?”

There is no right or wrong, good or bad answer here. These questions are meant to get your wheels turning and start identifying the reality now versus what you want it to be in the future.

Want to learn more? Click on this link to get behind the scenes first looks, book excerpts, freebies, and more of A Million Little Clicks.


Before I go, I want to leave you with one more thought. It’s about hope.

I’ve lost track of how many times someone has said to me, “I can’t wait for this year to be over.”

Now, I don’t disagree. Although, whether we like it or not, several components of our lives have permanently changed.

There is a new normal that has sent nearly everyone (large corporations to individuals just graduating college) into a frenzy to gain traction and feel a sense of control again.

My contribution to you right now is providing hope.

I don’t have a magic wand, but I can help you take control of your personal brand and achieve more self-confidence than you’ve probably ever had.

Will you embark on the personal branding journey with me?


Hello, I’m Maegan
Brand Strategist. Business Leader. Author. On a mission to help executives and professionals create powerful personal brands.


Download Your Personal Branding Psychology hacks Guide

By knowing the basic attributes of what each shape and color means can help you ensure that you’re clearly communicating your brand attributes to your customers.

This guide will help you achieve that!

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