Hello, I’m Maegan
Brand Strategist. Business Leader. Author. On a mission to help executives and professionals create powerful personal brands.

How To Do A Personal Brand Audit

Does your brand need an audit?

Things change over time.

If you feel that your personal brand has never quite been what you want it to be or if you have pivoted and your brand has been left behind, it could be time for an audit and update.

When you are in the trenches working it is easy to lose touch with the bigger picture.

We can get focused on metrics and forget everything else.

A personal brand audit gives you the opportunity to step back, review, see what is working and what is not, and how you can streamline to make everything better.


What even is an audit for your personal brand?

A brand audit is taking time to look and review how your brand is being perceived.

The look and feel you are portraying to your audience and potential audience.

You can even do a Google search of your name and brand to see what comes up.

Here are the areas to focus on for your brand audit:

  • Your message and story/ Who you are
  • Your ideal customer/ Who you are speaking to
  • Your website and online presence
  • Social media profiles
  • Bios and media kit


Your brand message is who you are and what you stand for and why you do what you do.

During a brand audit, you want to ask yourself what you are about and review your digital footprint to see if that is really the message that is coming across and if it is resonating with people or bringing engagement. 

If it’s not, then take the time to rework how you are telling your story.

Get clear on who you are and why you care about helping in whatever way you are with your products and services. What are you known for?

What do you want to be known for? 

Getting clear on who you are and what you have to offer is the first step but do not stop there.

That is a mistake many make.

Because really it is not about you, it’s about your audience. So figure out how you can take your story and make it about helping your audience.

Is your brand message client-focused?

Share how you do what you do and what results they can achieve with your help. 


Once you are clear on who you are and what you do, you need to get clear on who you are speaking to.

Having that client-focused message starts with knowing your audience really really well. 

The statistics about your audience are helpful. You can dive into those audience insights.

But think about one ideal customer.

To engage your audience you have to understand them.

Know their hopes and their fears. What keeps them up at night. 

You have to “get them.”

Think about the last time you were really engrossed in a piece of content and thought, “Me too, I’m not the only one after all.”

That’s how you want your audience to feel. Like you just get them.

Imagine the life of your target customer and then imagine how you can make their life better. 


Thinking about your brand message and your ideal customer, audit your website.

Do a bit of research into color psychology.

Review your logo. Check your navigation.

Is everything user-friendly, clear, and on-brand? Read your homepage copy.

Are you portraying the message you want to portray loud and clear? 

What are the images saying? What vibe is everything sharing?

What are potential customers thinking and feeling when they consider your services or signup for your newsletter or read your blog? 

Download your personal brand audit checklist here!


With a personal brand, you are the brand so your reputation matters. Potential employers, customers, and recruiters will be checking you out online.

What kind of digital footprint are you leaving behind? Review your social media profiles and ask yourself if the message you are portraying is the one you want. 

You will likely want to share a mix of personal behind-the-scenes stuff and thought leadership content.

Show that you are human but be careful about oversharing too. Is there too much private information of yours out there?

Or are you sounding too corporate?

It all is going to depend on your goals but take an objective look.


Are you making it easy for others to share you and your brand?

Do you have ready-to-go bios short and long for press opportunities?

Do you have a media kit with your stats and colors and headshots? 

Make it as easy as you can for your brand to be found online and shared. Be prepared to be a guest on blogs, podcasts, and at events.

It is also a good idea to learn about search engine optimization, SEO for short. Or to get some help in this area.

This ensures the work you are putting in and the content you are sharing is seen and loved by search engines like Google and to help your content be found by those searching for your services online.

Final Thoughts

Remember, people do not do business with companies but with people. As a personal brand, you and your company are one and the same. But the beautiful thing is you are the CEO and you get to strategically tell your story your way you want and create the brand you want. 

If you have a digital presence, you have a personal brand already. It just may not be sharing your message in a way that brings the success you desire.

Your personal brand communicates a concept or solves a problem. It sets you up as an influencer. And it gives people a perception of who you are and what you are all about. 

Make the message good and clear.  

If you have never reviewed your online presence and personal brand or it has been a while, take time for an audit. It can be very eye-opening. 

If you need help, I’m happy to jump on a call with you. Book here

Hello, I’m Maegan
Brand Strategist. Business Leader. Author. On a mission to help executives and professionals create powerful personal brands.
